Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) for Ensembles#
General information about the CRPS, and how to use crps_cdf
with a forecast expressed as a cumulative distribution function (CDF), is available in the tutorial “Continuous Ranked Probability Score”. We recommend you work through that tutorial before looking at the crps_for_ensembles
and this tutorial.
In weather forecasting it is common to run an ensemble of deterministic models. Each ensemble member provides a deterministic forecast. The idea is that the combined ensemble forecasts can be used to estimate a probability density function (PDF), and hence a CDF.
The crps_for_ensemble
function interprets ensemble forecast input as a CDF in one of two ways and calculates the CRPS as demonstrated below.
A CDF is a function of the probability of non-exceedence. It is relevant to real-valued parameters such as temperature, rainfall amount, wind speed etc.
from scores.probability import crps_for_ensemble
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import xarray
Using the crps_for_ensemble
# Uncomment the following line and run to read the documentation regarding the crps_for_ensemble function in scores.
# crps_for_ensemble?
For the purpose of this tutorial, we will create a set of 10 equally likely forecasts of temperature which we will compare to a single verifying observation.
# In this example, each ensemble member is given a name 0 to 9
ensemble_forecast = xarray.DataArray(
[1.2, 2.0, 2.7, 2.9, 3.0, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.8, 5.0],
coords=[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]],
# The observation is assumed to be 4.5
obs_array = xarray.DataArray(4.5)
# The ensemble forecast can be converted to a CDF
# When converted in a naive way we get the empirical CDF illustrated here. The larger the ensemble the smoother and more sensible this will be.
# The plot below also shows the CDF corresponding to the observation, and the area corrsponding to the CRPS.
fcst_thresholds = numpy.linspace(0, 7, 700)
empirical_cdf = xarray.DataArray(
coords={"temperature": fcst_thresholds},
data=[0] * 120 + [0.1] * 80 + [0.2] * 70 + [0.3] * 20 + [0.7] * 30 + [0.8] * 60 + [0.9] * 120 + [1] * 200,
observed_cdf = numpy.heaviside(fcst_thresholds - 4.5, 1)
plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3))
plt.plot(fcst_thresholds, observed_cdf, label="Observation")
plt.plot(fcst_thresholds, empirical_cdf, label="Forecast")
plt.fill_between(fcst_thresholds, empirical_cdf, observed_cdf, color="gray", label="area for CRPS")
plt.title("Empirical CDF based on Ensemble")
plt.legend(loc="upper left")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fdf01b0d610>
# Specifying method='ecdf' assumes the empirical CDF
crps_for_ensemble(ensemble_forecast, obs_array, ensemble_member_dim="ensemble_member", method="ecdf").round(3)
<xarray.DataArray ()> array(1.111)
# Specifying method='fair' gives an approximated CRPS assuming that the ensemble values can be interpreted as a random sample from an underlying predictive distribution
crps_for_ensemble(ensemble_forecast, obs_array, ensemble_member_dim="ensemble_member", method="fair").round(3)
<xarray.DataArray ()> array(1.056)
Things to try next#
Use crps_for_ensemble with some real forecasts with extra dimensions in space and/or time.
Read about the ‘fair’ method in C. Ferro (2014), “Fair scores for ensemble forecasts”, Q J R Meteorol Soc 140(683):1917-1923.
Explore our twCRPS for ensemble forecasts tutorial
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